Today, this morning, I was having a big old pity party, laying on my bed crying. I was crying about one thing,
that led to another thing, you know how that is. But the one thing that I mostly have been crying about for years
was that I could not see, email, write, or have anything to do with 4 of my grandchildren. It's a long story.
My son, who is their father, and Ashley's father, has been visiting me and so when the news hit the family that
I was ill, he went to his wife, who was the hold out on this, and told her that he wanted to bring the kids to see me,
and her too if she wanted to. Well, it ended up that he brought Jamie and Kathleen, two of the prettiest and sweetest
kids I've ever seen and I was overwhelmed, and my other son was here with his son, and Ashley was here with her two,
and of course Robin was the catalyst! I mean I am one more happy person right now, and I hope soon to see my
other two, and of course his wife.
It has been 6 years since I've got to see them. 6 solid years of heartache. It's over now, I pray.
On another front, Robin talked me into listing some paintings that I did not think were much good, but she did,
and there is a lot of bidding going on over there!!!!!! That helps more than anybody could ever know because
money is extremely short right now.
So I'm going to take a nap and I feel pretty doggone good, there was no pain while they were here, not a bit.
This time, I took the oranges and blues I used in the previous painting and
did this work on top of a print I’d made and drawn on with waterproof ink.
1 week ago