I'm an artist in Alabama doing watercolors, and graphic arts on my computer. I hope you will follow my every day adventures with art! Join us at http://www.ciaswatercolorfriends.ning.com a social network dedicated to promoting the art of watercolor! Cecilia

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Orange Double Hibiscus

This is my first attempt at a hibiscus. Well, the Confederate Roses are a kind of hibiscus. This one is a beautiful orange double one. I'm really liking this one. It's a combination of watercolor and watercolor pencils. I hope to do more of these!

First painting painted in 2007 by me.


Michelle Himes said...

Wow, Cia! That is an awesome, vibrant orange! Hot, hot, hot!!!


Deb said...

Your florals are exquisite, Cia. I really love your style.

Art by JoyMac said...

Hi Cia,
Your blog is just gorgeous...as always I love your paintings and hope that one day I may own one so keep up the great work
Joy in OZ

Michelle Himes said...

Hi Cia,

I put a link to your blog on mine. I see that you have a lot of SW artists linked on yours. I would really like to be one of them. :-)

